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Lawmakers Discuss Crucial Policy Moves for Meeting Electricity Demand

At a POLITICO energy event sponsored by NRECA on February 25, discussions were held around a crucial policy connected to meeting electricity demand: the permitting process.

Last year, a bi-partisan permitting reform bill sponsored by Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyoming) and Joe Manchin (I-West Virginia) failed to make it to a vote. NAED and the newly-formed Cross Industry Coalition with NECA, NEMA, and NEMRA supported permitting reform and continue to work together in Washington D.C. to support it.

At the event this week, lawmakers showed bi-partisan agreement that something needs to be done before energy demand far outweighs grid capacity.

Representative Bob Latta (R-Ohio) told the crowd Congress is discussing permitting reform, and he would like to see the U.S. stay ahead of the rest of the world in power generation. Congressman Randy Weber (R-Texas), the Vice-Chairman of the Energy Subcommittee, reported it can take six to seven years to get a permit for a new power plant, and with the growth of data centers, AI, and electric vehicles, we won’t meet the demand.

During the event, Senator John Hickenlooper (D-Colorado) said he is “optimistic” that a permitting deal can be reached, but also reported the previous Congress discussed permitting reform but was unable to reach an agreement.

You can read the full report on the event on the NRECA website.

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